We are pleased to announce the flower placement and removal schedule for All Souls Day and Dia de Los Muertos 2024. Flowers may be placed starting on Friday, October 25, 2024, and remain through Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Please refer to our Flower & Holiday Policy for guidance during this period. It is important to note that the grass will not be mowed during this time. However, flowers or decorations may be removed to accommodate burial services.
All Souls Day, observed on November 2nd, is a solemn celebration in the Roman Catholic Church commemorating all those who have died and are now in Purgatory. This day is dedicated to praying for the souls of the deceased, helping them through prayer, almsgiving, and the Mass to be cleansed of their venial sins and temporal punishments for mortal sins they had confessed. The importance of All Souls Day was emphasized by Pope Benedict XV, who granted all priests the privilege of celebrating three Masses on this day: one for the faithful departed, one for the priest's intentions, and one for the intentions of the Holy Father. Dia de Los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, is celebrated on November 2nd and is recognized by the Catholic Church as the universal feast of All Souls’ Day. This vibrant and joyous celebration is dedicated to remembering the lives of the departed and offering prayers for those in Purgatory. The Day of the Dead calls upon the Catholic understanding of death as having been vanquished by Christ, reminding us that life on earth is a preparation for eternal life. Families often construct private home altars (ofrendas) to display photos of departed loved ones, sugar skulls (calaveras), and vibrant flowers. They also visit cemeteries, bringing food and drink offerings that the deceased enjoyed while alive. Calvary Cemetery in Los Angeles, San Fernando Mission Cemetery in Mission Hills, and Santa Clara Cemetery in Oxnard will host Dia de Los Muertos observances. For more information on building an altar or attending these celebrations, please visit our Dia de Los Muertos information page.
We invite all patrons to join us in honoring and remembering our loved ones during this time.