Mother's Day is a wonderful occasion to celebrate the significant impact that mothers have on their families and society as a whole. This holiday was established by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and officially became a national holiday in the US in 1914. Although the dates and celebrations of Mother's Day may vary around the world, it usually involves giving mothers flowers, cards, and other gifts as tokens of appreciation. Let's make the most of this special day to honor the incredible mothers in our lives and demonstrate how much we value and appreciate them. By doing so, we can inspire more people to recognize the extraordinary contribution that mothers make to our world. (more...)
Calvary Cemetery in Santa Barbara is proud to announce the opening of a new burial section dedicated to the memory of Saint John Vianney. Vianney is known as the patron saint of parish priests, and his unwavering devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and his profound faith in the sacrament of confession has inspired clergy worldwide. Our newly designed garden offers a range of options for archdiocesan priests and community members seeking a final resting place. The garden includes a columbarium adorned with a statue of Saint John Vianney, companion niches, and high-quality double-depth lawn crypts for in-ground burial. (more...)